Postal Exam Practice Test 2022 - Practice Postal Exam (2024)

Postal Exam Practice Test 2022 - Practice Postal Exam (1)

The United States Postal Service or USPS for short administers exams that test the knowledge and qualifications of an applicant for a post office job. The USPS is an independent agency of the government which means that a position in the post office is a federal job.

Applying for this federal job requires a strict process. There are various exams that are specific to the kind of job that you want to apply for. The competition is quite high. Often, there are more job applicants than job titles.

Thepostal exam 473is theoneyou should take when you want entry-level positions such as processing, delivery, and retail in the postal service.

Free Postal Service Practice Test Online

Postal Exam 473 Part A – Test 1

Postal Exam 473 Part A – Test 2

Postal 473 Part B – Insured Mail Receipt

Postal 473 Part B – Mailing Permit Application

Postal 473 Part B – Customs Declaration

Postal 473 Part B – COD

Postal 473 Part B – Certified Mail Receipt

Postal 473 Part B – Certificate Of Bulk Mailing

Postal 473 Part B – Authorization Form

Postal 473 Part B – Application To Mail Non Profit

Postal 473 Part B – Application For Post Office Box

Postal Exam 473 Part B – Domestic Claim Form

Postal Exam 473 Part C – Coding

Postal Service Career Opportunities

What are US postal service jobs under the USPS postal battery exam or 473?

  • City Carriers– They are the ones who collect and deliver mail either on foot or by vehicle in a certain location. They may also be required to carry mails that weigh up to 35 pounds in their shoulder satchels and load and unload mail that weighs up to 70 pounds.

There are three categories for this position: City Carrier Assistant 1, City Carrier Assistant 2, and Casual City Carrier.

  • Mail Processing Clerks– They are the ones who work in Postal facilities by processing mail (incoming or outgoing) either manually or through automated mail processing equipment. They are also the ones who collect or transfer mail that weighs up to 70 pounds.

There are two other categories for this position: PSE Mail Processing Clerk (PSE MPC), Casual Mail Processing Clerk.

  • Mail handler–They are the ones who load and unload containers, open and empty sacks or lift and transport mail in postal facilities. They carry mails that weigh up to 70 pounds, and they push rolling containers that weigh up to 1, 500 pounds.

There are two other categories for this position: Mail Handler Assistant and Casual Mail Handler.

  • Sales, Services (Svcs), and Distribution Associate– They are the ones who work in retail. They offer customer service related functions at the Post Office in the front counter.

There are two other categories for this position: Postal Support Employee (PSE) Sales/Svcs/Distribution Associate, and Casual Sales/Svcs/Distribution Associate.

  • Rural Carrier– They are the ones who deliver mail in a fixed route. They may be required to manage containers of mail that weigh up to 70 pounds.

There are two other categories for this position: Rural Carrier Associate (RCA) and Assistant Rural Carrier (ARC).

Postal Exam 473

The test type would be multiple choice. It is divided into four sections, and one of the sections is further divided into two. You can take the“Personal Inventory”section on your own online while the other sections have to be taken at testing facilities.

What is on the USPS Postal Exam 473?

Exam SectionsSubjectsTime AllowedNo. of Multiple-Choice Questions

Part A

Address Checking

You need to figure out if there are identical addresses, different zip codes, and addresses.11 minutes60

Part B

Forms Completion

You need to get the right information and identification when completing forms.15 minutes30

Part C (Section 1)


You’ll be shown a “coding guide” in which you will use the right code that you will assign to addresses.6 minutes36

Part C (Section 2)


You need to memorize from the coding guide the assigned codes for addresses.7 minutes36

Part D

Personal Characteristics and Experience Inventory

You will be asked about your personal characteristics and experience in relating to being a great Postal Service Employee.90 minutes236

What is a Passing Score for 473 Postal Exam?

The USPS exam 473 average scores are those that are 70 and up. But since it is an exam that is highly competitive, the best score would be the ones that will get you in the top three such as scores from 85 and above.

What is the USPS scoring?

Part A:For this part, the partial score is based on how many items you have answered correctly, minus one-third of the number of wrong items. The key is to answer many items as accurately as possible in the limited time that you have.

Part B:The scoring is almost similar to Part A. The number of correct answers is your score. The thing about this part is that it’s alright to guess. There will be no penalty for wrong answers. It’s best to answer every question if possible.

Part C:Your scoring for this part is the same as Part A. It is based on all your correct answers and minus one-third of your wrong answers. You need to code as many items as possible accurately.

Part D:This part is different from the others, and it makes up the bulk of the exam. You need to answer honestly based on your own experiences.The scoringis based on your responses so it’s best to answer honestly rather than giving the “correct” answer. Your answers will also remain confidential. The point is to figure out whether you have the right personality, characteristics, and experiences for the job.

Postal Exam Practice Test 2022 - Practice Postal Exam (2)

Updated USPS Postal Exam

On April 1, 2019, theUSPS Exam 473was replaced with the USPS Virtual Entry Assessment Program, also known as VEA. The new exam focuses on four assessments:USPS Exam474,USPS Exam475,USPS Exam476, andUSPS Exam477. These assessments are for the prescribed positions that the U.S. Postal Service offers.

Postal Exam 474

Virtual Entry Assessment Mail Carrier (MC)

ThePostal Exam474 is the exam for people who want to apply for theseUS post office careers:City Carrier, City Carrier Assistant 1, City Carrier Assistant 2, Casual City Carrier, Rural Carrier, Rural Carrier Associate,andAssistant Rural Carrier.

What is on the USPS Postal Exam 474?

TheUSPS examis divided into four sections:

Exam Sections



This contains the history of the Postal Service and information about the positions covered in the test. It also has the instructions and sample questions for the sections that are in the exam.

Work Scenarios

This contains8 questionsthat describe scenarios that you may experience on the job. The best thing to do is to pick the best two answers out of the four choices.

Tell Us Your Story

This contains20 questionswherein you state your employment history and experience. You should only mention those you have mentioned in the resume and application that you submitted.

Describe Your Approach

This contains56 questions. It is about determining the various aspects of your personality.

Postal Exam 475

Virtual Entry Assessment Mail Handler (MH)

ThePostal Exam475 is the exam for people who want to apply for theseUS postal careers:Mail Handler, Mail Handler Assistant,andCasual Mail Handler.

What is on the USPS Postal Exam 475?

theUSPS Exam475 is almost the same as 474. The difference is that it a fifth section.

Exam Sections



This contains the history of the Postal Service and information about the positions covered in the test. It also has the instructions and sample questions for the sections that are in the exam.

Work Scenarios

This contains9 questionsthat describe scenarios that you may experience on the job. The best thing to do is to pick the best two answers out of the four choices.

Tell Us Your Story

This contains22 questionswherein you state your employment history and experience. You should only mention those you have mentioned in the resume and application that you submitted.

Describe Your Approach

This contains79 questions. It is about determining the various aspects of your personality.

Check for Errors

This contains12 questions. Each of the questions has a pair of eight-digit numbers, and if the pairs are similar, you choose “Match” as your answer. If they are not, then you choose “Error.”

Postal Exam 476

Virtual Entry Assessment Mail Processor (MP)

TheVirtual Entry Assessment MP476 is the exam for people who want to apply for thesepostal careers:Mail Processing Clerk, PSE Mail Processing Clerk, Casual Mail Processing Clerk, Data Conversion Operator, PSE Data Conversion Operator,andCasual Data Conversion Operator.

What is on the USPS Postal Exam 476?

TheUSPS Exam476 is similar to 475.

Exam Sections



This contains the history of the Postal Service and information about the positions covered in the test. It also has the instructions and sample questions for the sections that are in the exam.

Work Scenarios

This contains9 questionsthat describe scenarios that you may experience on the job. The best thing to do is to pick the best two answers out of the four choices.

Tell Us Your Story

This contains22 questionswherein you state your employment history and experience. You should only mention those you have mentioned in the resume and application that you submitted.

Describe Your Approach

This contains79 questions. It is about determining the various aspects of your personality.

Check for Errors

This contains12 questions. Each of the questions has a pair of eight-digit numbers, and if the pairs are similar, you choose “Match” as your answer. If they are not, then you choose “Error.”

Postal Exam 477

Virtual Entry Assessment Customer Service (CS)

ThePostal Exam477 is the exam for people who want to apply for these positions: Sales/Svcs/Distribution Associate, PSE Sales/Svcs/Distribution Associate, and Casual Sales/Svcs/Distribution Associate.

What is on the USPS Postal Exam 477?

TheUSPS examis divided into five sections. The fifth one is different from the other exams.

Exam Sections



This contains the history of the Postal Service and information about the positions covered in the test. It also has the instructions and sample questions for the sections that are in the exam.

Work Scenarios

This contains10 questionsthat describe scenarios that you may experience on the job. The best thing to do is to pick the best two answers out of the four choices.

Tell Us Your Story

This contains21 questionswherein you state your employment history and experience. You should only mention those you have mentioned in the resume and application that you submitted.

Describe Your Approach

This contains56 questions. It is about determining the various aspects of your personality.

Work Your Register

This contains13 questions. Each question depicts a transaction that has been done. It also has the amount paid and the change to be given based on the purchase. You have to answer it as accurately as you can since you have to pick the lesser amount of change to give to customers.

Postal Jobs Guide

How to apply for USPS postal exams?

Step 1:The first thing you should do is theUSPS exam registration. You need to register an account on the USPS website and set up your career profile.

Step 2:Search for job postings on the official website using yourUSPS careers login. You can see the announcements forUS postal jobs now hiring. (

Step 3:The USPS will contact you, so you’ll have to wait for them. They will inform you of the test date, time, and location. They often tell you about it a week before theUSPS exam.

Step 4:You can take the exam based on the information given to you.

Step 5:After taking theUSPS exam, you’ll have to wait for the results. The National Test Center Administration will be the one to score the test.

Step 6:Depending on whether you will pass, the USPS will get in touch with you for the interview date and time.

Step 7:If you do get hired, you’ll have to undergo a suitability assessment such as criminal conviction and employment history.

Postal Jobs Qualification

  • You must be 18 years old at the time of appointment or 16 years old with a high school diploma.
  • You must be a permanent resident of the U.S. or a citizen of any U.S. territory.
  • You must submit your recent employment history.
  • You must pass documents such as criminal background checks, drug screenings, and medical assessments.
  • You must pass your driving records. This depends on the position you’re applying for.
  • You must also be registered with Selective Serve (if applicable).

Postal Exam Study Guide

  • You should know more about the format of the exam.

Thepost office examcaters to different job positions. The tests are different, and they depend on the kind of job that you would want to apply for. That is why being familiar with the format will help you a lot. You would know the topics that you should focus on and more importantly, you’ll be able to know the test type.

  • You should schedule your study time.

Thepost office testsrequire your focus and time. Because of this, it is vital that you plan the topics and how you will be able to maximize your schedule. Each section of the exam is different. It is said that the majority of the applicants for the U.S. Postal Service fail because they do not know how to answer the questions for lack of preparation.

  • You should make use of study guides, practice exams, and practice tests.

Preparation is needed for you to pass the exam. There is a lot of competition, so you have to get the highest scores. Only the top three scorers can be interviewed, and there won’t even be an assurance that you will get hired. What makes the exam particularly tricky is that it makes use of hypothetical questions. Thus, you should make use ofUSPS practice postal exams, study guides, andpostal office practice tests.

Postal Exam 476 Practice Test PDF

One of the four new Virtual Entry Assessment tests just launched to replace retiring exam 473 is postal exam 476, commonly known as the Mail Processor VEA exam and the Processing Clerk VEA exam. We have prepared aUSPS Postal Service Exam PDFto assist you in passing the exam.

USPS Questions

How hard is it to get a job with the US Postal Service?

It might be hard if you lack preparation. Only the top three scorers will get an interview. That is why you must prepare and study for the test. You can make use ofUSPS 473 practice examor theUSPS practice exam474 to 477. Also, there arepostal service test 473,USPS practice tests orpostal exam 473 study guides pdf. Getting the highest scores is the goal to successfully get hired so you need all the preparation you can get.

Can you retake the USPS test?

If you fail the test, you have to wait for 12 months before you can retake it.

Where do you take the USPS exam?

Thepost office examis either non-proctored or proctored. Depending on theUS postal service jobsyou apply for, you can either be required to take an exam that is non-proctored or proctored. non-proctored is when you receive an email in your eCareer profile in which you’ll be given a link for the exam. You can take it using your computer or tablet at home.

Proctored, on the other hand, means that you have to schedule your assessment or exam using your account.You can choosethe center, date and time that is best for you. You can take the exam at any center of your choosing that is mentioned in the official USPS website.

What do you need to bring to the test center?

After receiving a message in your email that confirms your scheduled assessment, you have to read it carefully in case there are things that you have to bring. The basic requirements that you should have are: valid State/Government issued I.D., Login I.D., password, and Candidate I.D. for access to your assessment.

Check Out:Postal Exam Requirements

How much does it cost to take the postal exam postal?

It’s free. All federal jobs such as postal jobs have no application fees and other charges.

What is the job of a postal inspector post through SSC CGL?

A postal inspectoris assigned in a certain postal division. You can either be the IP-PG or Subdivisional Inspector. Your job is to administer at least 60 to 70 post offices that are within your jurisdiction. You have to canvass people and also appoint certain authorities. You are assisted by mail overseers.

Is the US Postal Service a horrible place to work?

No, it isn’t. With the right work ethic, the place won’t be too bad. It’s important to enjoy the work. The postal service is an organized system and its employees have been nitpicked to work under it. It can be said that dedication and determination is needed for this kind ofemployment.

What qualities does the USPS look for in potential employees?

The USPS wants to employ people that know how to take orders and have a positive attitude. Workers must have patience because in this line of work, it can be very difficult to deal with some customers. They also need people who are physically fit because there are US mail jobs that require you to lift heavy things or work in late-night shifts.

Postal Exam Practice Test 2022 - Practice Postal Exam (2024)
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