Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (2024)

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Ammunition in Dark Souls 3 are items that can be used withBows, Greatbows andCrossbows, a player can equip two types of bolts and arrows at the same time.
The damage dealt is 'p' for Physical, 'm' for Magic, 'f' for Fire, 'l' for Lightning, 'd' for Dark, 'bl' for bleed, 'po' for poison.

Name & Icon Usage Damage
Cost Location

Standard Bolt

Ammo forCrossbows.
Standard bolts.
48p 30 Souls Greirat of the Undead Settlement

Exploding Bolt

Ammo for Crossbows.
Bolts that explode on impact. Deals area fire damage in the immediate vicinity.
140f 300 Souls

Shrine Handmaid

(With Greirat's Ashes)

Wood Bolt

Ammo for Crossbows.
Weaker bolts that can be easily purchased in bulk.
38p 10 Souls Shrine Handmaid

Heavy Bolt

Ammo for Crossbows.
More powerful but haveshorter range due to their weight.
64p 100 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 1st Expedition)

Lightning Bolt

Ammo for Crossbows.
Bolts imbued with Lightning damage.
110l 300 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 2nd Expedition)

Sniper Bolt

Ammo for Crossbows.
Their long range makes them ideal for distant targets.
53p 150 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 1st Expedition)

Splintering Bolt

Ammo for Crossbows.
Bolts that explode immediately after being shot, causing immense Bleeding.
7 bl
280 Souls

Shrine Handmaid

(With Greirat's Ashes)


Standard Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Standard arrows used with bows.
45p 10 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

Wood Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Weaker arrows that can be easily purchased in bulk.
30p 5 Souls Shrine Handmaid

Fire Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Arrowswith burning tips todealfire damage.
100 Souls Greirat of the Undead Settlement

Poison Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Inflict poison damage that gradually wears down foes.
120 Souls

Unbreakable Patches

Shrine Handmaid

(After given Patches' Ashes)

Moonlight Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Arrows that inflict Magic damage.
75m 500 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 2nd Expedition)

Dark Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Arrows that inflict Darkdamage. Has homing properties.
65d 200 souls

Shrine Handmaid

(with Easterner's Ashes )

Feather Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
Their long range makes them ideal for distant targets.
40p 100 Souls

Shrine Handmaid

(With Dreamchaser Ashes)

Large Arrow

Ammo for Bows.
More powerful arrows, but with a shorter range due to their weight.
55p 50 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 1st Expedition)

Great Arrows

Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (16)Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow

Ammo for Greatbows.
Inflicts Lightning damage.
90l 750 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 2nd Expedition)

Dragonslayer Greatarrow

Ammo for Greatbows.
Easily pierces human flesh.
90p 500 Souls

Greirat of the Undead Settlement

(After 2nd Expedition)

Onislayer Greatarrow

Ammo for Greatbows.
Used to destroy giant horned oni.Very accurate.
60p 600 Souls

Shrine Handmaid

(With Easterner's Ashes )

Millwood Greatarrow

Ammo for Greatbows

97p 800 Souls

Shrine Handmaid

(With Captain's Ashes)

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Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (20)

    • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (21)


      06 Feb 2022 21:00

      Why can't you use all the arrows for all the bows/crossbows?

      I mean i had a great idea of using poison and bleed arrows in the avelyn. (Since i love to play with the avelyn, i find it the best crossbow in the game for pvp) only to know/ find out that only bleed arrows are allowed in that crossbow.

      Or my 2nd idea for my desert sorceress cosplay character. Use fire arrows in the avelyn so i could use pyromancy and fire arrows together. Only to know there is no fire arrows for crossbows why is it all so limited? It's not to broken, given how mutch damage an arrow to the face gives in dark souls 3.

      Only the dragonslayer arrows and lighting version of the dragonslayer arrows are strong arrows when the hit people. Limit them to bows only and not the rest of the arrows.The rest would not be that op if you could use them on all bows.

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      Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (22)

      • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (23)


        05 Feb 2022 07:03

        Why can't you use all the non great arrows on all bows?

        I mean these not that op when getting hit by them. And they could be used greatly in some builds.

        I wanted to make a poison bleed build with the avelyn crossbow. Only to know you can only use bleed arrows on the crossbows.

        Or i wanted to use fire arrows on my desert sorceress cosplay build, so i could use pyromancy and fire arrows with the avelyn. But that was also not possible.

        And i don't understand why it is unabled to be used for all bows and crossbows. i understand it with great arrows they do and deal alot of damage when they hit you. And putting that in a avelyn or as the bow glitch showed it's cancer when they would be able to be used on crossbows. But why are the other non great arrows unabled on bows and crossbows when they don't do so mutch damage when getting hit by them?

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        • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (25)


          17 Jan 2021 16:01

          No lightning arrows for normal bows. Damn...

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          • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (27)


            10 Jul 2020 23:44

            I'm trying to kill that dogged giant peaco*ck at the end of game and decide to try the crossbow but can't get any good bolts. And geirats ashes aren't where they should be nor is he at shrine... ?

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            • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (29)


              20 Jun 2020 12:09

              I love how the picture for the lightning one is from DS1

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              • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (31)


                20 Feb 2020 12:24

                so when it comes to the range of the great arrows what comes after onislayer great arrows ?

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                • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (33)


                  27 Jan 2020 14:40

                  Just to be clear, Arrow and Greatarrow damage scales off of the bow's stats. Bolts do not scale since Crossbows have no scaling. This makes bows look much weaker then they actually are. For example, if you run Arbalest and Dragonrider Bow at the same AR (273), the Dragonrider will have 40 more AR even though Large Arrows have lower AR then Heavy Bolts. This also makes the base damage on bows much less important. Bows that have high scaling will outperform other bows once arrow damage is factored in.

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                    10 Dec 2019 15:22

                    No arrow cost on any page.

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                    • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (37)


                      25 Apr 2019 00:32

                      Never knew bout splintering or dark arrows Huh

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                        11 Apr 2018 13:23

                        Are bows the only determining factor in arrow range?

                        I ask because I'm wondering if Feather arrows on a Composite bow will fly as far as Standard arrows on a Pharis bow.
                        Alternatively, would Heavy arrows on a Pharis bow fly as far as Standard arrows on a Composite bow?
                        Just trying to make the Composite a little more viable for sniping, since Pharis can't quick shot or roll shot.

                        Damage is easy to determine but, ehh, range, a little harder to see...

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                        Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (40)

                        • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (41)Mcsticken

                          14 Aug 2017 23:57

                          Did a play through using bows for the first time in any of the Souls games, and figured I'd share my experiences with the arrows, because I'm just that bored at the moment.

                          What's with special damage arrows (fire, dark, magic) all dealing less damage (or maybe a couple extra points more damage) than standard, or even wood arrows? I almost never had them do extra damage unless the enemy was incredibly weak to that damage type. The Darkmoon arrows were the exception when using the Darkmoon Longbow, but that was still massively out damaged by the Black Bow of Pharis and the Dragonrider Bow, even when using wood arrows for those two. It's not even like there's an enemy that's weak to magic either. Dark arrows were decent at times, when making use of the homing. Still, I always used standard arrows when I could hit my target easily because of the extra 10%+ damage they did. Fire arrows were also really helpful at times despite generally lower damage and higher cost, since some enemies freak out when hit with fire. Large arrows looked pretty bad considering thr shorter range and higher cost for a measley 10 extra base damage, but surprisingly made a difference many times. It wasn't uncommon to hit enemies for slightly less than their max health when using standard arrows, so that slight increase would bump me up to one shot damage. Feather arrows became stupid useful in the Painted World for killing the wolves near the start, and later for sniping Man Serpents in Archdragon Peak while waiting to be summoned.

                          Greatbows were useful as well at times, but could be annoying due to the fact that you can't move while using them or else you will stop drawing your arrow. This screwed me over a few times in PvP when I lightly bumped the joystick a tiny amount and went from firing an exploding arrow from my Millwood greatbow and setting a trap, to firing an arrow into the ground like an idiot. Still, when those arrows connected they did a ton of damage. They weren't worth using when being summoned for boss fights though, due to the cost of the arrows. The fact that I never even cared what type of arrow I used for my greatbows kind of shows how they didn't make that much of a difference. What's 30 more damage when you're hitting 800? It's just not worth worrying about, since the cheapest arrows were still really good anyway.

                          Speaking off boss fights though, at 40/40 when using the Dragonrider Bow, things went down pretty easily. I was hitting for 300ish with some extra damage for the weapon art, and was easily able to avoid attacks whenever the boss decided to fight me instead of the host or a summon. The Nameless King went down real easy, despite not summoning anyone for him.

                          Back on topic though, I found every regular arrows had some sort of niche. Wood and standard were good for just arrow spam and killing large numbers of enemies for cheap, and for use while being summoned. Fire arrows were good for dogs and pus of man enemies. Dark arrows were good for harder to hit enemies, and PvP. Large arrows were good for when you had an enemy to you could almosy but not quite one shot. Feather arrows were good for taking out large groups of enemies before they could attack you. And last and definitely least, Darkmoon arrows were good for getting rid of lots of souls at once without risking getting something useful in return.

                          ReplyReplies (5)





                          Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (42)

                          • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (43)


                            25 Apr 2017 02:47

                            Bows and Crossbows had such potential in the game but they kinda ruined it. Rolling shot can only be used on short bows but then short bows have really bad scaling... Bows can't be infused to make that better either so that's gone. Use a longbow? then you get weapon arts that aren't really that useful and no rolling shot. Greatbows are too slow to really be used effectively unless you snipe, but even then it's almost better to use a standard bow. Then they put a limit (99) on to how many arrows you can carry, and you can't even have 2 stacks of the same type of arrow. So if I wanted to have 198 feather arrows so that I could do a bow only build, I wouldn't be able to. To cap it off, arrows and bolts are way too expensive for the crappy damage that they do. I was so hyped when this game released for bows, then they killed it....just like they did with magic.

                            ReplyReplies (7)


                            Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (44)

                            • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (45)


                              22 Mar 2017 08:43

                              I sometimes dream about lacerating arrows.

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                              Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (46)

                              • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (47)


                                11 Jan 2017 18:03

                                Ugh no lightning arrows for a normal bow, why do they have to always forget stuff like this??? Next dlc needs to have lightning arrows no matter what, first no silver knight weapons then no lightning arrows, if this is your last souls game From then sort your sh*t out

                                ReplyReplies (2)


                                Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (48)

                                • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (49)


                                  22 Dec 2016 19:58

                                  wait. the poison arrows are from patches arent they? not from the handmaiden?

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                                  • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (51)


                                    15 Nov 2016 13:10

                                    Most of these icons are from other games...

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                                    • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (53)


                                      01 Aug 2016 20:55

                                      I can just imagine a group of co-opers fighting through the profaned capital but when the gargoyles finally surround them and they run out of estus, the last co-oper shoots it from the mountains using the oni-slayer great bow and arrows.

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                                      • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (55)


                                        02 Jul 2016 23:57

                                        How do you put bolts into a crossbow if you've ran out of them exactly?

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                                        • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (57)


                                          27 Jun 2016 08:21

                                          For Xbox one, how do I quickly switch between arrows? I am having trouble figuring it out, thank in advance.

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                                          • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (59)


                                            24 May 2016 16:31

                                            The Dark Arrows actually track when in certain bows.

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                                            • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (61)


                                              24 May 2016 16:30


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                                                20 May 2016 19:18

                                                Can one see the arrows/ bolts if only the arrows are equipped, with no bow, like in Dark Souls? I was really disappointed they removed it in Dark Souls 2, and I've not been able to find out if they are visible again.

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                                                  17 May 2016 10:57

                                                  Is the Max Quiver size 99 and if so is there a way to increase it?

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                                                  • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (67)


                                                    08 May 2016 22:40

                                                    Why is Ammunition not part of any tabs whats-so-ever? It would be part of Items yet there is no tap to easily get the info on the different arrows and bolts.

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                                                    Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (68)

                                                    • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (69)


                                                      30 Apr 2016 03:27

                                                      Has incorrect info, just an example, the feather arrow page has the description of heavy arrows. What's with all the "damage dealt" abbreviations. M,P,po,I? I can't even decipher

                                                      ReplyReplies (1)



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                                                      • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (71)


                                                        29 Apr 2016 13:28

                                                        Makes no sense

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                                                        • Ammunition | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (73)


                                                          17 Apr 2016 15:13

                                                          I don't know how to switch arrows on the fly. It used to be L2

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